The ELDTC has the opportunity this year to seat THREE Democrats on the Board of Finance, so please vote straight Line A to get Sandy, Jay, AND Rich *ALL* elected!

Sandy Gignac

for Board of Finance

Sandy Gignac grew up in East Lyme, and graduated from East Lyme High School, before attending Mitchell College in New London. She has been an active member of the East Lyme Democratic Town Committee for 5 years, where she is valued for her positive attitude, organizational skills, and fundraising expertise. She works at Electric Boat and is also a Real Estate Broker, who has a caring approach to her business. Her expertise in finance, budgets, and contracts, and her attention to detail make her an ideal candidate for the Board of Finance. In her spare time, Sandy is an avid outdoorsperson and enjoys hiking and exploring all the beautiful trails Connecticut has to offer.


for Board of Finance

Jay Ginsberg moved to East Lyme in 1991 and has enjoyed our remarkable town for over 30 years. He is a retired physician who, for 35 years, ran the only medical practice in Southeastern Connecticut that cared for people with kidney disease. He also has served as treasurer of the Connecticut State Medical Society for several years. To learn how to better allocate the limited resources available for medical care, Jay earned a Master's in Medical Management degree in 2010 that emphasized the financial aspects of successfully managing a medical facility. Having lived in both the Flanders and Niantic sections of East Lyme, Jay has insight into the unique aspects of each of these communities.

In 2021, Jay was elected as an alternate to the Zoning Commission. He further contributed to the Town in the last year serving on the Charter Revision Commission. Jay seeks to continue to serve East Lyme in the coming term as a member of the Board of Finance. He believes that to maintain the special characteristics that make East Lyme a wonderful place to live we need to use common sense to rationally manage our town’s limited resources. Jay can often be seen walking with his dog at Bridebrook Park or on local hiking trails.


for Board of Finance

Rich Steel is a Board of Finance member seeking re-election. Rich has lived in East Lyme for over two decades and our town benefits from his service to our community. Rich is a volunteer at Care and Share and at Beechwood Long-term Health Care as a resident advocate through the Connecticut Ombudsman Program.

Rich has served on the Board of Finance since 2020. A decade before, he also served on the Board of Education. Rich diligently prepares for meetings, asks thoughtful questions, and raises challenging issues. Bipartisanship and collaboration are important to him in addressing East Lyme’s financial points of interest.

Rich is retired from a career in pharmaceutical research, initially as a bench scientist and then as a subject matter expert for literature searches and competitor intelligence to support research projects. He is married, has two adult children, and is a 27-year resident of East Lyme.

Rich enjoys gardening, reading, tennis, and traveling . He also plays the hammered dulcimer, banjo, and, in the past, the accordion. He also hosts a men’s book club that meets monthly at East Lyme Library.